hosted by: Pat Flynn

SPI 670: How to Win Big in a Recession—Roundtable with Jason Feifer and Matt Gartland

SPI 670: How to Win Big in a Recession—Roundtable with Jason Feifer and Matt Gartland
  • SPI 670: How to Win Big in a Recession—Roundtable with Jason Feifer and Matt Gartland

Today's Guest

Jason Feifer

Many people now face the same reality I encountered during the 2008 recession. Freshly laid off from a dream architecture job, I realized that building a business would be my only shot at taking control of my future.

But it wasn’t easy. For a while there, I was depressed and angry that I had so little influence over my life. The resources and support budding entrepreneurs take advantage of today, like our All-Access Pass, weren’t even a thing back then.

That said, times of great disruption are a chance for new ideas to come to the fore. In fact, plenty of our students are already replacing and eclipsing their traditional job income through online businesses—just like I did!

That’s precisely the topic of today’s roundtable with Entrepreneur editor-in-chief Jason Feifer and SPI CEO Matt Gartland. Together we tackle everything from taking initial steps — like defining your version of success — to time management and sustainable business growth. We share the tools and resources that have an outsized effect on how we work nowadays, and much more.

But that’s not all. If you haven’t heard the news, our show is proud to join the Entrepreneur Podcast Network! This is the first in a series of quarterly discussions with Jason and other guests meant to provide actionable tips to help you secure your financial well-being. Listen in and stay tuned for the exciting episodes ahead!
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